It's official! Welcome to the RHA family, Dr. Maine & Ms. Chappel!
Dr. Taylor recognizing Superintendent's Student Advisory Council member, Malia.
Alyssa "Ali" Ibarra (WHS Class of 2016) of the Voice 23 educators who made a difference in her life: Ms. Thibeault (RHA), Mr. Panlilio (WHS), Mrs. Rickard (RHA) & Mrs. Pop (SMS).
A beautiful view from RHA!
Thank you WASC Visiting Committee, current & former students/parents/guardians & community partners for your support!
Eating Nasturtium
Farm to Table- Fried Romanesco on the menu!
Snowing at RHA!
Spreading sweet gifts of kindness for the Great Kindness Challenge.
New Year's Gift! Between rainstorms, Ms. Sorbara, Ms. Vazquez, and Dr. Thibodeaux paint a student-created mural at the RHA campus. Wow!
Thank you- Ms. Sorbara, Ms. Vazquez, and Dr. Thibodeaux for painting our student-created mural over winter break!
Local law enforcement working w/ RHA students & staff on Shelter in Place/ Run, Hide, Fight procedures.
Orange County Ropes Field Trip
RHA & HARTT gathered for Unity Day as we choose to stand together and stop bullying. See, Hear, Understand, and Celebrate each other as individuals. #unityeveryday
Soar above the negativity. There is no place for hate! #unityeveryday
Building community with a lunchtime picnic.
Looking at unknown substances through a scientific lens.
Expert textile/fiber artist, a Board of Directors member for the Pomona Valley Arts Association, and retired WVUSD art teacher & GLC- Mrs. Ruthellyn Whittington giving private weaving lessons to RHA art students.
Retired WHS Teacher, Mr Yamashiro and Dean Nelson Chen of CTE volunteering their time and resources to help beautify RHA.
District IT Support, Rod Ulrich, teaching students the art of App Development.
Reactions occur when things are not balanced.
Pruning plants to enhance the growing process.
"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses."- Hanna Rion
Life is about seeing purpose in something others don’t.
Life Skills learn how to sew and repurpose old socks.
Understanding each other better.
Mrs. Velazquez challenging students to identify their strengths.
Mrs. Velazquez assisting RHA students with Career & College Inventories.
Back to School Night
Rich discussions during lunchtime hangout.
Happy Friday!
Mindfulness Mondays- building community and discovering ways to be present.
Lunchtime at the Pond!
"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within." - Maya Angelou
HOPE Center
Design-Based Learning
Watercolor Painting
Thank you WVUSD Board Member Larry Redinger for reminding us: "Don't be a witness to your own life," as we REMEMBER and HONOR the lives lost and forever changed on 9/11.
RHA & HARTT Tie-Dye day! Preparing for International Day of Peace!
Mastering the art of letting go with Buddha Boards.
Rock Out!
RHA & HARTT Staff Rocking Out!
Discovering what's happening in the world around around us!