Student Work/Examinations
Students will make productive use of time and work with the assistance of the classroom teacher on all assignments. At Ron Hockwalt Academies, cheating is not tolerated, and may result in several consequences:
o Withholding of credit until work or an alternative assignment is completed.
o Re-taking the examination
o Parent conference
Computer Lab(s)
Use of RHA’s computer labs is a privilege. Certain rules must be followed in order to protect the computer equipment and to maintain a productive experience for all students working in the labs. Students are expected to follow posted rules when using the computer labs:
o Students and parents must agree and sign the Internet User’s Agreement Form in order to access the lab.
o There is no eating or drinking at any lab station.
o Students are expected to follow all posted lab rules. Failure to do so may result in loss of computer lab privileges and/or other disciplinary action.
Health and Safety
Students are expected to observe all health and safety policies of RHA. This includes wearing appropriate clothing.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Ron Hockwalt Academies is very concerned about the health, safety, and welfare of all its students. For this reason, abuse of alcohol and drugs will not be tolerated.
In the case of suspected student use, parent will be notified and student will be sent home.
In the case of student use or possession of illegal substances:
o Substance will be confiscated.
o Police will be notified and arrest may occur.
o Parents will be contacted.
o Student will be suspended and reviewed by principal for recommendation of expulsion.
o In the case of “sales,” California Ed Code requires a recommendation for expulsion.
School Dress
We are very proud of RHA and of our students, and we are committed to providing the very best learning environment we can; the dress code is established to support this commitment. RHA’s expectation is that each of our students is dressed appropriately for the weather and in proper school attire.
o All students are expected to be well groomed and neatly dressed
o Students on or about school property shall not wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign or other things which may be considered gang related. (District Policy, Reg. 5740). Belt buckles with initials can only represent the students first or last name.
o Students may not wear clothing with offensive or obscene logos, graphics, lettering, or handwritten wording including the advertising of illegal substances or alcoholic beverages. (District Policy Reg. 5740)
o Spikes and chains used as an article of clothing or as part of an article of clothing will not be permitted.
o Tank shirts (boys underwear, muscle tees, or “wife beaters,”) girls tube tops, any garment revealing the midriff, swim wear, or any clothing that is too revealing, is not to be worn.
o Hats may not be worn or carried at RHA unless there is a designated ASB “hat day.” Hats may be dropped off in the morning with our security officer, administrator, or GLC, or may be put away in student backpacks upon arriving on campus. No hats are allowed to be out during the day under any circumstances with the exception of the above Leadership/ASB “hat day” events.
o Headbands, bandannas, or hairnets are not to be worn on campus by males or females.
o Any attire deemed gang-related or identifies a person with a particular group is not permitted.
o Shoes must be worn at all times. Slippers are not permitted at RHA. Sunglasses may be worn inside the building only with a doctor’s note.
o Pants must fit at the waist, the crotch of the pant must be at an appropriate level, and the pants must stay up without belt or suspenders.
o Oversize or excessively baggy pants may not be worn, and may not be altered to fit the waist, i.e., size 54 pants being “tucked” to fit a 28” waist. “Sagging” is unacceptable for school.
o Pajamas may not be worn at school unless Leadership/ASB designates a school-wide “pajama day.”
o Shorts or cut-offs worn in combination with socks that meet the hem or cuff of the shorts may not be worn at RHA
o Students arriving at school inappropriately dressed will be sent to the office and required to call home. Students wearing inappropriate hats, head bands, etc will be sent to the office. The GLC/Principal will retain the item for the day after which the student can pick up the item. Parents will be notified. Should this occur a second time, the parent will be called to come in and pick up the item; it will not be released to the student.
Look Sharp,
Be Sharp,
Act Sharp!!
Electronic Devices and Cell Phones
During break and lunchtimes, phones and other electronic devices may be used; they may not be used during passing periods or during class, unless the instructor has given special permission. All headphones, ear pieces, and cell phones must be put away when students enter the building. Staff will confiscate electronics that are not put away when students enter the building. Students, remember that electronics are yours, not the school’s responsibility!
o Students using electronics in class will be sent to the office. The office will keep the items until the end of day, when the student may come and pick up the item.
o The second time the item is confiscated; the parent must come to school and pick it up.
Vandalism of School Property
All of us are very proud of RHA and our students. Therefore, marking, defacing, drawing, or marking any school property is not allowed. Students who vandalize school property may be required to clean the damage, replace the damaged item or make other restitution. In some cases a student may be suspended for vandalism and other disciplinary action taken as deemed necessary by the GLC/Principal.
Visitors on Campus
o Students must not encourage and/or bring outsiders to school events without permission from principal/GLC.
o Students may not bring someone on or near the campus for the purpose of threatening, attempting to cause, or causing physical injury to other students.
o The above is a very serious situation. The student will be suspended and a recommendation for expulsion may be considered.
o Depending on the age of the non-student and the situation, the police may be notified and an arrest may occur.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a serious issue. RHA students respect each other and do not engage in activities that are considered sexually harassing. Sexual harassment may include:
o Unwelcome sexual advances
o Visible, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
o Physical abuse (unnecessary touching, pinching, etc.)
o Verbal abuse (lewd comments, sexual insults, jokes, etc.)
o Pressure applied for sexual favors (subtle or overt threats)
Any student who engages in sexual harassment of anyone in or from the district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.